A man will treat a woman ...

A man will treat a woman almost exactly the way he treats his own interior feminine. In fact, he hasn't the ability to see a woman, objectively speaking, until he has made some kind of peace with his interior woman.
 Robert Johnson

Quotes from the same author

Leadership is the ability to influence people and motivate them to do what needs to be done to accomplish a goal, vision, or mission.
 Robert Johnson
Believe in yourself and have confidence that you can compete against all odds. Have a vision of what you'd like to accomplish and be able to articulate that vision.
 Robert Johnson
Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love; ancient Persian has eighty; Greek three; and English simply one.
 Robert Johnson
Hello Satan, it's time to go. Me and the devil, walkin' side by side.
 Robert Johnson
I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband in the deep freeze except for mating. Lots of men feel that way.
 Robert Johnson