I didn't grow up in a regular upbringing. I ended up at my grandmother's house past a certain age, so I took care of things myself. I moved out of home when I was 16.
I wasn't allowed to watch MTV before school, but somehow I managed to, when I was five or six and Fiona Apple's video for "Criminal" came on. She was so odd and dark, and I immediately felt some kind of connection with her. She was also the first person I admired for their looks.
I originally started it to help me with anxiety & insomnia. It’s already made my life waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better & even with my stage fright. Which I used to think there was no cure for…Last night was the first night I’ve slept 8 hours naturally in my entire life. I felt the best I have in ages. It’s better than any medication or all of the other nonsense I’ve tried.