(mother)" She used to tell me ...

(mother)" She used to tell me to get my nose out of my book and go get some fresh air.
 Emily Giffin

Quotes from the same author

I remember that my mother once told me that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.
 Emily Giffin
ONE MORE CHNCE. Words that my mother heard, more than once. Words that women debate. Whether you CAN forgive and whether you SHOULD trust. I think of all the judgment from society, friends, and family, the overwhelming consensus seeming to be that you should not grant someone who betrayed you a second chance. That you should do everything you can to keep the knife out of your back, and to protect your heart and pride. Cowards give second chances. Fools give second chances. And I am no coward, no fool.
 Emily Giffin
There are no absolutes in relationships. You can't take anything for granted. You can count on absolutely nothing but the unexpected. You only get in trouble when you start thinking that you're some kind of exception to the rule.
 Emily Giffin
The world is not that black and white, Rachel. There are no moral absolutes. It is complex.
 Emily Giffin
I love him wholly and unconditionally and without reservation. I love him enough to sacrifice a friendship. I love him enough to accept my own happiness and use it, in turn, to make him happy back.
 Emily Giffin