[Rex Tillerson] is gonna ...

[Rex Tillerson] is gonna continue to work on [sanctions lifting]. This is important for him. He was there [in White House] because he negotiated the deal for Exxon with [Vladimir] Putin.
 Maxine Waters

Quotes from the same author

I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.
 Maxine Waters
The shouting, the overrunning of the Capitol, the sneaking in of Tea Party participants into the basement of the Capitol, the name-calling, the spitting, all of that... The Tea Party emerges as not only outrageous, but they have turned up the volume in ways that even Code Pink have not been able to do.
 Maxine Waters
If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion.
 Maxine Waters
Why do you think [Russians] hacked into our election? Because they have to make sure that Donald Trump got elected so that he could help them with what I think is a huuuuge deal, not only to lift these sanctions, but to take over, y'know, all of these Soviet countries and pull 'em back into the Soviet Union, so that they could have access it to all of these resources. It's clear to me!
 Maxine Waters
[Rex] Tillerson is there to get these sanctions [against Russia] lifted. I believe it. Just watch him!
 Maxine Waters