[Chris] Farley was a dear ...

[Chris] Farley was a dear friend, and we remained close right up until the end. You know, there was nobody more fearless comedically than Chris. And that\'s saying a lot, because I\'m friendly with a lot of funny people.
[Chris] Farley was a dear friend, and we remained close right up until the end. You know, there was nobody more fearless comedically than Chris. And that's saying a lot, because I'm friendly with a lot of funny people.
 Rob Lowe

More phrases

Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.
 William Tecumseh Sherman
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the one who wins is the one who thinks he can!”
 Walter D. Wintle
“There has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it.”
 Alexander The Great

Quotes from the same author

It's a little bit of a 'if you can't beat 'em - join 'em' mentality for me when I think about Twitter.
 Rob Lowe
I go through phases where I'll overuse words. S.E. Hinton, who wrote The Outsiders - she and I have been in contact for the 50th anniversary of the book - and she said, "You still owe me the 10 dollars that we bet that you couldn't stop saying the word 'gnarly.'
 Rob Lowe
The '80s were about trying to establish myself as an actor with a career. And being a teenager enjoying the fruits of being successful with lots of what I think is appropriate for that age.
 Rob Lowe
Some of the '80s movies I did are sort of museum pieces. St. Elmo's Fire is great as a sort of kitschy, "Oh, my god, I can't believe we wore that" type of movie.
 Rob Lowe
I don't look back with any bitterness, though there are a couple of judgment calls and some '80s hairdos that I'd like to do over.
 Rob Lowe